
  • 유튜브에 동영상 올리고 돈벌자~
    가끔/잡담 2007. 12. 11. 22:01
    유튜브에는 YouTube Partner Program이라고 하여
    유튜브 안의 상위에 랭크된 무비를 업로드한 크리에이터에게 광고 수입을 나누어 주었다고 한다. 지금까지는 아주 적은 일분의 프로만이 적용되었지만 오늘 부터 일반에게도 조건을 붙어서 길이열렸다.

    The Partner Program began earlier this year when Google started "rewarding [its] most popular and prolific original content creators within the YouTube community". How much cash you'll see as a result of a viral success isn't well known, but Google claims users who regularly produce videos that generate over a million views have seen rewards of several thousand US dollars.


    예를들면 업로드한 동영상이 100만회 이상 사람들이 보게되면 동영상을 업로드한 유저는 매월 수천달러의 수입을 얻을 수 있다고 한다.

    그런데 유튜브에 올라온 글을 보면 밑에 주황색으로 색칠한 글이 좌절하게 한다.
    미국과 캐나다 사는 사람만 가능한 것인가?
    다른 나라 사람들은 초청안하는건가?

    그런데 나 이런걸로 좌절해도 되나?
    내가 백만명이 보게할 만한 동영상을 만들수 있나? ^^;;;
    ㅎㅎㅎ 좌절할 필요가 없게 됬다. ^^

    Press Releases

    YouTube Partner Program Invites Video Makers to Earn Money; Marketers Take Note

    (YouTube Gram)

    Finding a way to recognize users for their creativity and their role in building YouTube is of the utmost importance to the team at YouTube. These original content creators will now have the chance to reap rewards from their work and receive the same promotional benefits afforded to YouTube's other professional content partners.

    Today, we are inviting YouTube users in the United States and Canada(???) to join our expanded YouTube Partner Program. (You can see our announcement on the YouTube blog.) Earlier this year, the YouTube Partner Program began rewarding our most popular and prolific original content creators within the YouTube community by allowing them to earn money from their videos. Users eligible for the partner program have built a significant audience on YouTube (as measured by video views, subscribers, etc.) and consistently complied with the YouTube Terms of Use. Now, anyone living in the US or Canada can apply to become a partner at youtube.com/partners. Partners decide which of their videos they would like to generate revenue on YouTube, and in turn, receive a portion of the revenue generated from ads that run next to those videos. We hope this program will inspire our users to continue to create compelling, engaging and viral content for the YouTube community.

    The YouTube Partner Program also benefits marketers. By building out our partner program, we are expanding both the quality and scope of video content available to marketers. As more and more individual content creators enroll in the program, advertisers are now capable of reaching more qualified consumers by targeting their campaigns to user-generated partner videos tailored to the unique interests and tastes of their target audiences. This program will continue to grow in the coming months to several hundred user partners, and will encourage marketers to include YouTube as part of their marketing mix. With millions of videos viewed on YouTube each day, marketers can attain a new level of engagement with some of the most watched videos on the site.

    We previewed this new application process to a select group of users who previously expressed interest in becoming partners -- over 100 of these users have already been added to the program, such as tayzonday, hotforwords, apauledtv, and peteandbrian. Many users who joined the program months ago have already seen great success. Those partners who are regularly producing videos with over 1M views are earning several thousand dollars per month.

    This new program will improve the YouTube experience by inspiring users to develop more innovative, original content and encouraging marketers to develop interactive ads that are relevant and appealing to the YouTube community.


    Danielle Brincko

    Aaron Zamost

    [윗글 출처]

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